
Tejia's sixth Birthday Party!!

For Tejia's birthday party, all the kids played games like Red Rover, Cat Tails, Duck, Duck, Goose, and did the piniata. They all had a blast!! It sure wore me out though! Oh well, it was all for that pretty smile on Tejia's face and so worth it too!! Oh, you see that little boy in the yellow shirt and red hat? Tejia also got a sweet little birthday kiss right on the cheek from him, His name is Dawson Douglas. He is such a cute little kid. He is a year younger than Tej, but I think he likes her. She got a kiss from his little brother, Parker, too, but he is shorter so it was on her belly. Kids are so cute!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Awe, how fun. I love the cake too, that is a CUTE one!!!! They grow up WAY too fast!